Sunday 2 October 2011

Case study- BBC News

Who owns the site?
BBC news is owned by the BBC
Do they also own any traditional media businesses?
Yes, it also owns several TV and radio channels. The TV channels it owns are: BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC Four, BBC News, BBC Parliament, CBBC and Cbeebies. The radio stations it own are: BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 1Xtra, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra, BBC 6 Music, BBC Asian Network, BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Radio nan GĂ idheal, BBC Radio Shetland, BBC Radio Orkney, BBC Radio Wales, BBC Radio Cymru, BBC Radio Ulster, BBC Radio Foyle, BBC Essex, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, BBC Radio Norfolk, BBC Radio Northampton, BBC Radio Suffolk, BBC Three Counties Radio, BBC Radio Derby, BBC Radio Leicester, BBC Radio Lincolnshire, BBC Radio Nottingham, BBC London 94.9, BBC Radio Humberside, BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Radio Sheffield, BBC Radio York, BBC Tees, BBC Radio Cumbria, BBC Radio Newcastle, BBC Radio Lancashire, BBC Radio Manchester, BBC Radio Merseyside, BBC Radio Berkshire, BBC Radio Oxford, BBC Radio Solent, BBC Radio Kent, BBC Surrey, BBC Sussex, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Devon, BBC Radio Guernsey, BBC Radio Jersey, BBC Radio Bristol, BBC Radio Gloucestershire, BBC Wiltshire, BBC Somerset, BBC Hereford & Worcester, BBC Radio Shropshire, BBC Radio Stoke, BBC WM and BBC Coventry & Warwickshire
What other internet sites do they own?
BBC Sport, BBC, BBC iPlayer, Cbeebies, Bitesize, BBCi,
What is its revenue?
BBC Worldwide profit up by 35.5% to £145.2m (2010) (net profit).
What is its overall worth?
Cant find value as any search with BBC brings up hundreds off BBC news articles.
5 key facts about the institutions?
-          It is a British public service broadcaster
-          It headquartered at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London
-          It is the largest broadcaster in the world, with about 23,000 staff
-          Its main responsibility is to provide public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
-          Within the United Kingdom its work is funded principally by an annual television license fee
3 quotes about the institution with references
Couldn’t find any quotes about the institution as search results covered in quotes from bbc shows and bbc quotes of the week
List of key info provided on the company’s corporate homepage
The information shown on the website is off all the latest news stories of the last 24 hours. It is all sorted in separate section such as: world, UK, business, politics etc.

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